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- You can freely make your own HTML templates.
- They must be located in the AllMyMovies\templates folder as a separate folders.
- Each template consists of 3 main files - header.html, template.html and footer.html.
- Just look the examples.
- Use the following shortenings for All My Movies database field values:
- [amm:title]
- [amm:date] - release year
- [amm:dateadded] - date added
- [amm:genre]
- [amm:rating] - text OR stars. Depends on AMM preferences
- [amm:ratingtext] - always text rating
- [amm:director]
- [amm:duration]
- [amm:media]
- [amm:actors]
- [amm:description]
- [amm:imgname] - movie's cover image
- [amm:origtitle]
- [amm:resolution]
- [amm:size] - movie file size
- [amm:mediacount]
- [amm:medialocation]
- [amm:medialabel]
- [amm:vidcodec] - video codec name
- [amm:vidbitrate] - average video bitrate
- [amm:audcodec] - audio codec name
- [amm:audbitrate] -average audio bitrate
- [amm:audinfo] - audio info
- [amm:loan] - "loaned to" field
- [amm:comments]
- [amm:medialabel]
- [amm:subtitles]
- [amm:aspectratio]
- [amm:url] - note, this is equal <A HREF="movie url">. So don't forget to write </A> tag after [amm:url]
- [amm:urltext] - movie URL field. Inserts as usual text
- [amm:country] - country
- [amm:mpaa] - MPAA rating
- [amm:studio] - Studio name
- [amm:recnum] - current movie number
- [amm:total] - total records in the database
- [amm:lastupdate] - current data. May be used for "Last update:"
- [amm:localpath] - local path to the movie. Inserts as a hyperlink
- [amm:localpathtext] - local path to the movie. Inserts as a text
- [amm:movieid] - Numeric Movie ID
- [amm:userflags] - personal marks
- [amm:seen] - Seen field as a checkbox
- [amm:wishlist] - Wishlist fields as a checkbox
- [amm:nextpage] - used for links to other pages inserting when splitting collection to several pages
- User defined fields can be added to your templates too.
- For example, if you have a user defined field with name of "my_field"
- you have to use [ammud:my_field] as a shortcut
- If you have a problems with Java scripts in your template try to use
- [amm:scriptingon] to turn on special characters replacing for correct script execution
- and [amm:scriptingoff] to turn off this feature
- below is a shortcuts for some translated keywords:
- [amm:strtitle] - "Title"
- [amm:strdate] - "Year"
- [amm:strgenre] - "Genre"
- [amm:strrating] - "Rating"
- [amm:strdirector] - "Director"
- [amm:strduration] - "Duration"
- [amm:strmedia] - "Media type"
- [amm:stractors] - "Actors"
- [amm:strorigtitle] - "Original title"
- [amm:strresolution] - "Resolution"
- [amm:strsize] - "File Size"
- [amm:strmediacount] - "Media count"
- [amm:strmedialocation] - "Media location"
- [amm:strcodec] - "Codec"
- [amm:strbitrate] - "Average bitrate"
- [amm:strdescription] - "Description"
- [amm:strtotal] - "Total"
- [amm:strmedialabel] - "Media label"
- [amm:strsubtitles] - "Available subtitles"
- [amm:straspectratio] - "Aspect Ratio"
- [amm:strurl] - "Visit movie's web page"
- [amm:strcountry] - "Country"
- [amm:strdateadded] - "Date added"
- [amm:strlastupdate] - "Last updated"
- [amm:strstudio] - "Studio"
- [amm:strlocalpath] - "Local path"
- [amm:straudinfo] - "Audio info"
- [amm:strloan] - "Loaned to"
- [amm:struserflags] - "Personal marks"
- [amm:strseen] = "Seen"
- [amm:strwishlist] = "Wishlist"